Inbox Aware Icon

Maximize Email Deliverability with Data-Driven Insights

Leverage Email Deliverability

  • Real-time Reporting with Custom Dashboards
  • 24-Hour Email Reputation Monitoring
  • Advanced Reporting with Built-In Segmentation and Filtering
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Target the Inbox with Accuracy

Expert Seed List Testing

Inbox Aware offers Seed List testing modelled after best practices used by emailing experts. Identify and overcome authentication filters and spam traps that can halt your emails before you hit send.

Transparent Details on Performance

Advanced Segmentation and Filtering

The devil’s in the details. Inbox Aware provides users with a transparent and microscopic view of all their email data, that can be filtered and dissected without exporting into a read-only report.

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Email monitoring platform for record-breaking inbox placement and deliverability

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